What we believe:
- In the verbal inspiration of the original scriptures.
- In the absolute trinity of the eternal Godhead.
- In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
- In the reality and personality of the devil.
- In the natural depravity of all humanity.
- In the substitutionary atonement.
- In the propitiation for sin only by the blood of Christ.
- In the full salvation by grace through faith and not of works.
- In the divine healing through the atonement.
- In the anointing with oil and prayer for the sick.
- In the personal Baptism of the Holy Spirit as Received by the Apostles.
- In the necessity of the new birth.
- In water Baptism by immersion at age of accountability.
- In the one and only true Church composed of blood washed believers.
- In the evangelisation of the heathens and the nations of the world.
- In a middle-of-the-road policy in pubic worship, between extreme fanaticism and ultra-ritualism.
- In obedience to civil government.
- In divorce only on New Testament scriptural ground.
- In Church government, loyalty and obedience to those in authority over us in the Lord
- 21. In tithing as God`s financial plan.
- 22. In restitution for past wrongs whenever possible.
- 23. In the open table of the Lord's Supper.
- 24. In the free moral will power of man, who can apostatise, backslide, and be lost.
- 25. In the maintenance of good works and holy living.
- 26. In the victorious life over sin, self, and bad habits by Bible study and an incessant prayer life.
- 27. In Christian perfection and holiness, through absolute surrender and consecration.
- 28. In Christian modesty; in the matter of dress, wearing of apparel and jewellery.
- 29. In the keeping of the Lord's Day as a matter of privilege rather than law.
- 30. As regards recreation, liberty of conscience and a godly example to the world.
- 31. In the immortality and conscious existence of the soul.
- 32. In the resurrection of our literal bodies, the just and the unjust.
- 33. In a literal heaven and life everlasting for all believers.
- 34. In a final day of judgement for the incorrigibly wicked.
- 35. In the personal, literal, bodily pre-millennial coming of Jesus Christ.
- 36. In the everlasting punishment of the impenitent.
- 37. In a future, literal 1,000 years reign of Christ on earth with all His saints.
- 38. In the judgement seat of Christ where the saints will be finally rewarded for their deeds of a commission and omission.
- 39. In Christian tolerance to all denomination of the Christian faith.
- 40. In essentials - unity, in non-essential - liberty, in all things - charity.